Welcome to the 2024 USSSA 3 up 3 down Under Armour Challenge!
On this page you will find all of the information you will need regarding the tournament. Please contact Nick @ lynch092207@yahoo.com or call 270.339.3026 with any additional questions pertaining to the event.
Link to Visitor's Guide:https://visitowensboro.com/visitors-guide/view/
Friday, June 28th - Skills Competition begins at 9 am- 3:45 pm at Fisher Park and Panther Creek Park.
Coaches Meeting at 4:15p.m inside the Bluegrass Museum lobby.
Teams will meet at the Bluegrass Museum stage and parade downtown to the Riverpark Center.
Downtown awards ceremony and pin trading at 5:30p.m at the Riverpark Center.
Saturday, June 29th - Game play begins at Panther Creek and Jack Fisher's in Owensboro, KY
Sunday, June 30th - Finish game play and awards ceremony to follow.
The skills competition will start on Friday June 28th. The Skills competition will be held at Fisher Park and Pather Creek Park.
There will be a coach's home run derby with a cool award to the winner!
**Wooden Bats ONLY
There will be a player's home run derby where the individual with the most home runs will receive an award. There will be an award per age group.
There will also be a Sprint the Bases competition where the player with the fastest time will received an award. There will be an award per age group.
You can register using the link below:
Register for the Skills Competition | 3up3downbaseball (3up3downbaseballevents.com)
There are limited spots available for the skills competition and there will be no submissions taken after 5pm Wednesday June 26th.

There will be a spectator fee for game play during this event.
We will start collecting the gate fee Saturday. Friday will be a FREE, fun day for family and friends.
Pricing for wristbands are: $25.00 for the whole weekend and $15.00 for Sunday only.
Wristbands must be paid for with CASH. We will also have an option to pay with Venmo.
Players and children 10 and under are free. Up to 3 coach passes per team will be given.
Wristbands MUST be worn all weekend.
World Series Code of Conduct:
Zero Tolerance
Head coach is responsible for: assistant coaches, players, and spectators.
1. If a spectator gets ejected from a game, the head coach goes as well.
2. If an assistant coach gets ejected, the head coach goes as well.
3. If a head coach gets ejected, player related to coach goes as well. If no relation, current pitcher is to go.
These rules are to make a better experience for all. Getting ejected from a Youth Sports Tournament is not teaching tomorrows leaders anything but bad behavior.
These rules can be altered by the director depending on the severity of the incident that resulted in ejection.

Please click on the above link to review or print USSSA Baseball rules.
For any additional questions or concerns, please call or text Nick Lynch @ 270.339.3026
Coaches Only Meeting at 4:15 p.m. inside the Bluegrass Museum Lobby. Each team will receive 3 free drink vouchers during the meeting.

Front of the Bluegrass Museum and Hall of Fame.

Bluegrass Museum and Hall of Fame Stage. This is where teams will meet.
The teams will meet at the Bluegrass Museum Hall of Fame stage and parade down to the Riverpark Center for the awards ceremony. The award ceremony will be held downtown at the Riverpark Center beginning at 5:30p.m.